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School Safeguarding Team 2022/23


The care, safety and well-being of each child are the paramount consideration in Primate Dixon P.S.
In all circumstances the school will seek to act in the best interests of children.
Our school’s Designated Teacher is Mrs Siobhán Murphy.
Our school’s Deputy Designated Teacher is Mrs Roslyn Arthur.
The school’s Deputy Designated Teacher for Nursery is Mrs Eilis Haughey.
Together with the Principal, Mr Seán Dillon, they make up the school’s Safeguarding Team.
The school Safeguarding Team meets at least once each term to review safeguarding practice.

Catherine Sheeran is the school’s Designated Child Protection Governor.

Fr Eugene O’Neill is the Chairman of School Governors and has a pivotal Safeguarding Role.

School Safeguarding & Child Protection Arrangements - Parent Summary Leaflet

Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy & Procedures
